» Intercambio Académico

Medical Requirement / Health Service


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In order to enroll at UCC, all exchange students need a health insurance policy for the whole exchange period.

During the Exchange Program, Universidad Católica de Córdoba provides medical service in town at the University Clinic "Reina Fabiola" (571 Jacinto Ríos Street, B° General Paz / Phones: 351 414 2121).

There is also a medical consulting room on campus to assist students during class hours.

University Clinic "Reina Fabiola"

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Impresión generada el día 16/04/2024 18:22hs. desde el Portal Web de la
Universidad Católica de Córdoba
Url de la información: https://www.ucc.edu.ar/vida-ucc/intercambio-academico/medical-requirement-health-service/